Custom Tax Plans: doola’s Tailored Tax Strategies For Business Entities

Whether you’re a sole proprietor, LLC, S-corp, or C-corp, your tax strategy should fit your business like a glove.

Each business entity, from sole proprietorships to corporations, has its own set of tax implications.

Understanding these differences is crucial for developing a custom tax plan that optimizes your financial situation.

And this is where you say: Let’s doola it!

From entity formation guidance to proactive tax planning and expense tracking, doola’s services ensure you’re not just compliant but strategically positioned to optimize every tax season.

Let’s break down tax planning for different business types and discover how doola’s custom solutions can give you the edge.

Why Custom Tax Plans Matter

Generic tax advice is like wearing someone else’s shoes—you’re lucky if they fit, but they’re definitely not comfortable.

And in the tax world, not sustainable either.

Every business entity comes with its own tax implications, filing requirements, and potential for savings.

A custom tax plan considers your unique business structure, income, expenses, and goals to minimize your tax burden and maximize your financial health.

Here’s why customizing your tax plan to your business entity is a game-changer:

1. Maximizing Deductions and Credits

Different entities have different eligible deductions.

Custom tax planning ensures you’re not missing out on entity-specific deductions like home office expenses for sole proprietors or healthcare deductions for S-corps.

2. Avoiding Unnecessary Penalties

Accurate and tailored tax planning can help you avoid costly errors such as late filings, missed payments, or misclassified income.

3. Strategic Financial Planning

Your business entity determines your tax rate, payment schedule, and cash flow.

A personalized tax plan can help you better manage your finances by predicting tax liabilities and planning payments strategically.

Learn how Jane, an entrepreneur and a doola customer, used a custom tax plan to maximize deductions, dodge costly penalties, and strategically map her financial future for long-term success.

Want to see how this pans out for your business?

Speak to a doola tax expert today.

How Business Entities are Taxed

How Business Entities are Taxed

In the US, there are over 41 million sole proprietors, while LLCs have surged to more than 2.8 million, and S-corps and C-corps each make up a significant portion of the business landscape.

Globally, the tax environment varies widely, with businesses in different regions facing unique challenges and opportunities.

Understanding these differences is crucial for developing a bespoke tax plan that optimizes your financial situation.

Let’s dive into the details and explore how a custom tax plan can help you optimize your financial situation.

1. Sole Proprietorships

Tax scenario:

Sole proprietors report business income on their personal tax returns, making them subject to self-employment taxes.

While this structure offers simplicity, it also means personal liability for business debts.

doola’s Custom Tax Strategy

a. Maximize Home Office Deductions:

Sole proprietors can deduct a portion of their home expenses if they meet IRS guidelines.

Custom tax planning can help ensure these deductions are optimized without raising red flags with the IRS.

b. Track Business Expenses:

Tailored tax plans by doola’s experts help you streamline expense tracking, making deductions easier and more accurate.

2. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)

Tax scenario:

LLCs offer flexibility—they can choose to be taxed as a sole proprietorship, partnership, S-corp, or C-corp.

This choice greatly influences tax obligations and potential savings.

doola’s Custom Tax Strategy

a. S-Corp Election:

Many LLCs opt to be taxed as an S-corp to reduce self-employment taxes.

A customized plan will help determine if this election benefits your situation by weighing the potential savings against additional administrative requirements.

b. Expense Management:

LLCs have broad flexibility in deductible expenses.

Our tailored tax strategies can help optimize operational costs, travel, and healthcare deductions, reducing overall tax liability.

3. S Corporations

Tax scenario:

S-corporations are pass-through entities, meaning income, deductions, and credits pass directly to shareholders, avoiding double taxation.

However, S-corps must pay reasonable salaries to owner-employees, subject to payroll taxes.

doola’s Custom Tax Strategy

a. Salary vs. Distributions:

A balanced approach between salary and distributions can minimize payroll taxes while adhering to IRS guidelines.

Custom tax planning helps ensure compliance while maximizing tax efficiency.

b. Retirement Contributions:

S-corps can deduct contributions to employee retirement plans, including those of owner-employees.

Strategically planned contributions can significantly reduce taxable income.

4. C Corporations

Tax scenario:

C-corps face double taxation—once at the corporate level and again on dividends paid to shareholders.

But they have the widest range of deductible business expenses.

doola’s Custom Tax Strategy

a. Retained Earnings Management:

Retaining earnings within the corporation can minimize shareholder taxes.

doola’s entity-specific customized tax plans helps balance retained earnings with distributions to optimize overall tax impact.

b. Comprehensive Fringe Benefits:

C-corps can offer a broader range of tax-deductible benefits, such as health insurance, travel, and education assistance.

Custom planning by doola’s tax experts ensures these benefits are fully leveraged.

Now that we’ve explored how different entities impact your tax situation, let’s help you choose the right business structure.

Compare and Pick the Right Entity

Choosing the right business entity is more than just a legal checkbox; it’s a critical decision that shapes your business’s financial landscape, tax responsibilities, and growth potential.

From sole proprietorships to LLCs, S-corps, and C-corps, each structure comes with unique merits and limitations.

A sole proprietorship might offer simplicity and direct control, but it also leaves you personally liable for business debts.

On the other hand, an S-corp provides tax efficiency through pass-through taxation but requires more stringent compliance and payroll management.

The key is to match your entity choice with your business goals, risk tolerance, and financial strategy.

Here’s what you need to factor in:

  • Liability Shield: Do you want to protect your personal assets?
  • Paperwork: How much red tape are you willing to deal with?
  • Long-Term Goals: Where do you see your business going?

This is where doola steps in—bridging the gap between business decisions and financial strategy.

With our tailored tax and bookkeeping services, we don’t just help you set up your entity; we guide you through the nuances, highlighting how each choice impacts your tax situation and financial health.

Our team of experts dives deep into your business model, helping you assess not only tax implications but also the long-term benefits of liability protection, administrative complexity, and growth potential.

So, whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or gearing up to scale, doola’s bespoke approach ensures you choose the entity that best aligns with your vision and sets you up for success.

And once you decide on the entity type, you would love to explore a few practical tips to stay in the lower tax bracket. Read on.

Tax-Saving Tips with Examples

Understanding tax brackets is key for small business owners. Consider tax brackets as levels in a video game: as your income levels up, so does the tax rate.

Knowing which level you’re on shapes your tax strategy.

Higher earnings push you into higher tax brackets, meaning that extra income gets taxed at steeper rates. But understanding your bracket lets you predict your tax bill and play the game smart.

By crafting savvy tax moves based on your bracket, you can optimize deductions, plan smarter, and keep more of your hard-earned money in play.

1. Defer a Part of Your Income:

If you’re on the edge of a higher tax bracket, push some income to the next year. This simple move can keep your tax rate lower and save you money.


Working on a big project and expecting a hefty client payment in December? Try and postpone the final payment until January.

This moves the income to the next tax year, keeping your current year earnings—and your tax rate—lower.

2. Speed Up Deductible Expenses:

Pull forward any expenses you can claim this year to reduce your taxable income and potentially keep you in a lower bracket.


Planning a major marketing campaign? Pay those advertising costs now instead of waiting.

Deducting those expenses this year could help keep your taxable income down.

3. Plan Your Bonus Timing:

If you have control over bonuses or other variable pay, consider the timing strategically to avoid climbing into a higher tax bracket.


Delay employee bonuses until January if your business had a big year. This shifts the expense to the next fiscal year, keeping your current taxable income lower.

4. Maximize Retirement Contributions:

Boosting your contributions to retirement accounts such as a 401(k) or IRA can reduce your taxable income and keep you comfortably within a lower bracket.


If you’re nearing year-end, increase your retirement contributions to the maximum allowed. This strategy slashes your current taxable income.

5. Utilize Smart Accounting Tools:

Leverage accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero to closely monitor your income and expenses, making it easier to forecast and plan your tax bracket strategy.

No matter your business entity type, deploying these savvy strategies lets you manage your taxable income and stay in the most advantageous bracket possible.

Up next, how to craft the perfect tax plan with doola’s bespoke solutions.

Craft Custom Tax Plan with doola

When to Choose doola

doola is more than just a business formation service; we’re your financial partner, offering tailored strategies that align with your business goals.

Here’s how doola’s offerings integrate with custom tax planning:

1. Entity Formation Guidance

Unsure which business structure best suits your needs?

doola provides expert consultations to help you choose the optimal entity, considering both your business model and tax implications.

2. Personalized Tax Strategies

With doola, you’re not getting a cookie-cutter plan.

Our team works with you to create personalized strategies that align with your unique business situation, helping you take advantage of every tax-saving opportunity.

3. Real-Time Bookkeeping and Tax Compliance

With doola’s accurate bookkeeping services, you stay tax-compliant year-round, making tax season stress-free.

Our detailed financial reports provide a clear snapshot of your business’s health, empowering you to make informed decisions.

4. Proactive Tax Planning

doola doesn’t just react to your tax needs; we help you plan proactively.

From estimated tax payments to optimizing deductions, our team ensures you’re prepared for every tax season—no surprises, just savings.

Optimize Your Tax Strategy Today

Crafting a custom tax plan isn’t just a smart move—it’s the key to unlocking your business’s full financial potential.

By optimizing your tax strategies based on your specific entity type, you can maximize deductions, minimize liabilities, and keep more of your hard-earned money.

With doola, you’re not navigating this complex terrain alone; our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Founders from 175 countries have trusted doola to select the right entities, scale their businesses, and build rock-solid tax roadmaps tailored to their unique situations.

From LLCs to S-corps, doola’s strategic insights ensure that your business structure aligns perfectly with your financial goals.

Ready to elevate your tax game and build a customized plan that puts your business in the best tax position?

Book a call today, and let’s optimize your tax strategy together.

doola's website is for general information purposes only and doesn't provide official law or tax advice. For tax or legal advice we are happy to connect you to a professional in our network! Please see our terms and privacy policy. Thank you and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

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